The implementation of biohybrid systems such as organ-on-chip for personalized treatments, micro agents for targeted drug delivery and resorbable scaffolds for cellularized micro implants recently breaking into the market. Northwestern Switzerland is a major innovator and exporter of high value-added products and servicesin this filed. In order to remain competitive and to continue excel, it is necessary to constantly innovate and invest in R&D. In this view, MONA intends contribute to the needs of Swiss Research and Innovation followingthe SBFI strategic initiative on digitalization, advanced manufacturing and research infrastructures through its positioning within the Bael innovation area.
MONA aims to sprout knowledge and help develop skills to address scientific and technological challenges relevant to the manufacturing biohybrid micro and nano systems. The initiative draws on the excellent and large knowledge pool of the funding partners (Roche, SNI, DBE, FHNW) and builds upon a fruitful interaction within the user base. Its focus is set on 3D micro and nanofabrication of biohybrid systems with applications in the fields of pharmacology, medicine, implants as well as biophysical and biochemical research. In this view, MONA offers state-of-the-art infrastructure dedicated to 3D micro and nanolithography , access to a large knowledge base on related materials and processes.
The discovery of new applications and processes adding value to a wide range of current and future productsis at the core of MONAs intension. By providing a collaborative environment for an active exchange at the boundaries between cutting edge research, industrial application and market, MONA will supports its members to stay at the forefront of innovation and strengthen their competitiveness.